What size screen do I need?
The following example explain the industry standard method for calculating the desired projection screen size, based on sitting position and average chair height, expecting a home theatre viewer to be seated in a lounge chair and a corporate viewer to be seated in an office or boardroom chair, which is traditionally higher in the seat.
This example is to be used as a guide only as many personal factors of preference will come into play when deciding this issue, but this is a good guide to start working from as a base – don’t forget that the image throw characteristics of your projector will also be an important factor in screen size determination. Make sure that after you have decided on a screen size and a projector location that no physical obstacles will prevent your projector placement, thus requiring a re-size of the screen.
Home Theatre Single Seat Position
These standards apply to most formats.
Viewer wishes to sit 4m from the screen.
4m/3 = 1.3m, Screen Height = 1.3m
Then consider the following:
Available sizes, Site conditions, Customer requirements,
Projector characteristics.
NB: Please consider 4 x height formula for 2.35:1 Cinemascope
Corporate AV Multi-position seating
These standards apply to most formats.
Closest viewer is 3m from screen furthest viewer is 8m away..
3m/2 = 1.5m Max Height
8m/6 = 1.3m Min Height
Then consider the following:
Available sizes, Site conditions, Customer requirements,
Projector characteristics.
Screen Borders and Leader Drop
Black masking borders are standard on all BIGVUE Front Projection Screens at no additional cost to user. Borders enhance the perceived brightness and contrast levels for the image on the screen and are therefore an absolute necessity in obtaining the best results from your projector.
Borders also allow the projected image to “bleed off” the screen and present a sharp edge to the viewer. Standard borders on all roll down style screens are on each side. Further adjustable leader capacity within the head box canister, which varies from product to product